From the principal
“He aha te mea nui ki tenei ao? He Tangata, he Tangata, He Tangata”
What is the most important thing in this world? It is people, it is people, it is people.

Dear Parents
Naumai , haere mai ki “Te Kura Tuarua o Te Manawa”. On behalf of the board, staff and students of Whanganui City College, it is our pleasure to present to you our school for your consideration.
As the whakatauki states “What is the most important thing in this world? It is people, it is people, it is people. The heart of this school is definitely about the people, past, present, and future. We have worked hard with our school community and have created a culture of inclusiveness, whereby the people have a say in what their child learns, and plot and plan with their teachers, a pathway to an exciting and successful future. The key drivers of this school are innovation, and a collaboration between all the important people. Teachers with teachers, teachers with pupils, pupils with pupils, whanau with teachers, all this collaboration and personalized learning leads to success of the child.
Because of all this, at Whanganui City College your child matters. They are recognized for their gifts and talents, and supported to challenge themselves to be “a good human being”. Our curriculum innovation works on bringing out real life experiences, to enhance the development of being a positive contributor in our communities. Knowing who you are and where you are from is important, it sets the foundation for where you are going. Your child is “special” and from a “very special place” and that is really important to us.
If you require any further information about the college, feel free to contact me at the school. Better still, come and have a chat as our doors are always open.
No reira e te whanau whanui, welcome to Whanganui City College “a school like no other” where “innovation” and “collaboration” are the tools for a successful and positive future.
Naku iti noa.
P T Kaua