Discover Supported Learning
“Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi”
With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive

Supporting Learning For All Students
Rather than offering the same courses year after year, at Whanganui City College we annually review and develop them with our current students’ needs, interests and pathways in mind. This keeps the teaching and learning programmes fresh and dynamic.
In every one of these courses, we aim to meet the needs of our highly able learners, as well as those with specific learning challenges. Wherever possible, we encourage students who are physically or developmentally disadvantaged to join our mainstream courses. Our Learning Support hub also provides one to one, or small group learning assistance to those students who, for various reasons, may benefit from it.
Towards the end of each year, specialist staff work with our contributing schools to identify what challenges our incoming students may face in their learning. This allows us to successfully transition all students into their new WCC whānau, as seamlessly as possible. Generally students settle in quickly and are able to focus on their learning right from the start of the year.